[DOCKTESTERS] Sanger pipeline taking a very long on DO50311 and issue with BWA-Mem

Miguel Vazquez miguel.vazquez at cnio.es
Tue Nov 29 06:08:10 EST 2016

Excuse me,

I meant:

I skipped all the stuff about the SAM header, which I didn't fully
understood but it seemed like housekeeping stuff that *shouldn't* affect
the variant calling and didn't quite apply to this test data. Could that be
the issue?

On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 12:06 PM, Miguel Vazquez <miguel.vazquez at cnio.es>

> Hi all,
> I just wanted to give a partial update on my side and ask about two
> issues.
> 1) I've ran BAW-Mem on the test data HCC1143 and the process has failed,
> should it work for that dataset or is there a reason it shouldn't. About
> unaligning the BAM files I've checked the instructions on
> https://wiki.oicr.on.ca/pages/viewpage.action?spaceKey=
> PANCANCER&title=Preparing+paired-end+data+for+upload
> and I ended up just doing
> cat initial.bam | bamreset exclude=QCFAIL,SECONDARY,SUPPLEMENTARY  >
> cleaned.bam
> I skipped all the stuff about the SAM header, which I didn't fully
> understood but it seemed like housekeeping stuff that should affect the
> variant calling and didn't quite apply to this test data. Could that be
> the issue?
> I tried to run it on a normal donor but it turns out I had first to finish
> the test on Sanger. When I do I can save the container, thanks to Denis tip
> on a previous thread, and help debug it if need be. I'm sorry that I cannot
> give more details on the error but at the time I could not find the log
> files that where supposed to be there; when the next issue is resolved I'll
> come back to this.
> 2) I'm running Sanger on donor DO50311. I put the job on November 22,
> about a week ago, and it is still running. It seems to be doing caveman for
> the last few days. It going full throttle using 100% of the CPU and with
> running jobs not older than 15 hours, so I guess its not stuck or anything.
> But just in case, is taking this long normal?
> Best
> Miguel
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