[DOCKTESTERS] [PAWG-TECH] Draft agenda for PCAWG-TECH teleconference

Christina Yung christina.yung at oicr.on.ca
Tue Oct 4 11:22:55 EDT 2016

For testing BWA-mem with real data, you'll have to follow the SOP to 
unalign the data first.



On 16-10-04 11:04 AM, Denis Yuen wrote:
> Hi,
>     Brian/Dennis: apparently there is a problem with the Sanger workflow
>                     docker container because it didn’t work for Miguel
>     and Junjun,
>                     but worked on test data for Adam.
>     Please advise what you would like tested. (I asked Adam to test
>     “standard”
>     dataset for Sanger workflow.
> I think the first useful test would be to see if the test data ( 
> https://github.com/ICGC-TCGA-PanCancer/CGP-Somatic-Docker/blob/develop/test1.json 
> ) works in JunJun/Miguel's environments. That way we can diagnose 
> whether there is a difference in environment causing the issue or an 
> issue with the data.
> bwa-mem is a good suggestion since it is also a useful test. It along 
> with delly are the fastest workflows in this test, so running test 
> data through them will quickly get results.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* docktesters-bounces+denis.yuen=oicr.on.ca at lists.icgc.org 
> [docktesters-bounces+denis.yuen=oicr.on.ca at lists.icgc.org] on behalf 
> of Francis Ouellette [francis at oicr.on.ca]
> *Sent:* October 4, 2016 10:24 AM
> *To:* docktesters at lists.icgc.org
> *Cc:* kr2 at sanger.ac.uk
> *Subject:* Re: [DOCKTESTERS] [PAWG-TECH] Draft agenda for PCAWG-TECH 
> teleconference
> Hi Miguel,
> I think it will be important for all to update this table:
> https://wiki.oicr.on.ca/pages/editpage.action?pageId=66309629 
> <redir.aspx?REF=RvfbfDV5yN05OGyCIpsC9ASxL0fR2b8LXyACsFE86VQMEFAtZ-zTCAFodHRwczovL3dpa2kub2ljci5vbi5jYS9wYWdlcy9lZGl0cGFnZS5hY3Rpb24_cGFnZUlkPTY2MzA5NjI5>
> (in particular, Adam S, Miguel, Junjun and Christina).
> Other important message from Lincoln: We need to test BWA-mem workflow.
> Christina: do we need to “undo” a BAM file for that?
> We have a lot of testing to do, and next call is in 13 days (skipping 
> next
> week because of thanksgiving holiday in Canada next Monday).
> Brian/Dennis: apparently there is a problem with the Sanger workflow
>                 docker container because it didn’t work for Miguel and 
> Junjun,
>                 but worked on test data for Adam.
> Please advise what you would like tested. (I asked Adam to test 
> “standard”
> dataset for Sanger workflow.
> thank you,
> @bffo
> -- 
> B.F. Francis Ouellette http://oicr.on.ca/person/francis-ouellette 
> <redir.aspx?REF=JWalCiDf1UlQYmtMReruvClox9FrnvM0b6rjIyYTE2kMEFAtZ-zTCAFodHRwOi8vb2ljci5vbi5jYS9wZXJzb24vZnJhbmNpcy1vdWVsbGV0dGU.>
>> On Oct 4, 2016, at 3:22 AM, Miguel Vazquez <miguel.vazquez at cnio.es 
>> <redir.aspx?REF=byg2Wac2qRTx271iVNlLbz5hO7X_wvcWc7QLZg6q0MMMEFAtZ-zTCAFtYWlsdG86bWlndWVsLnZhenF1ZXpAY25pby5lcw..>> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm sorry to have missed the call yesterday, I got hung up with 
>> administrative things. What did I miss?
>> Best
>> Miguel
>> On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 6:19 PM, Francis Ouellette 
>> <francis at oicr.on.ca 
>> <redir.aspx?REF=b_ix-JnUsfv732eXF_BkaX4DCC3h_qsh6j4ePuMgkVcMEFAtZ-zTCAFtYWlsdG86ZnJhbmNpc0BvaWNyLm9uLmNh>> 
>> wrote:
>>     Adam,
>>     Can you complete table on wiki:
>>     https://wiki.oicr.on.ca/pages/editpage.action?pageId=66309629
>>     <redir.aspx?REF=RvfbfDV5yN05OGyCIpsC9ASxL0fR2b8LXyACsFE86VQMEFAtZ-zTCAFodHRwczovL3dpa2kub2ljci5vbi5jYS9wYWdlcy9lZGl0cGFnZS5hY3Rpb24_cGFnZUlkPTY2MzA5NjI5>
>>     Actually: Miguel and Junjun, can you also somplete that table?
>>     Thank you.
>>     Adam: can you try and make workflow work on one platform with the
>>     same data that Miguel and Junjun tried?
>>     Thank you,
>>     @bffo
>>     -- 
>>     B.F. Francis Ouellette http://oicr.on.ca/person/francis-ouellette
>>     <redir.aspx?REF=JWalCiDf1UlQYmtMReruvClox9FrnvM0b6rjIyYTE2kMEFAtZ-zTCAFodHRwOi8vb2ljci5vbi5jYS9wZXJzb24vZnJhbmNpcy1vdWVsbGV0dGU.>
>>>     On Sep 30, 2016, at 12:02 PM, Adam Struck <strucka at ohsu.edu
>>>     <redir.aspx?REF=fa1nJOFm8Vv6GFRRz7EoWYlt7TWBlZl1K3qZCe-mdIoMEFAtZ-zTCAFtYWlsdG86c3RydWNrYUBvaHN1LmVkdQ..>>
>>>     wrote:
>>>     I thought I should add that I've run the Sanger pipeline on the
>>>     test data in three separate environments using both CWL and WDL
>>>     descriptors.
>>>     Feel free to email me the errors you are seeing and I'll try and
>>>     debug.
>>>     Adam Struck
>>>     Scientific Programmer
>>>     Computational Biology
>>>     Oregon Health and Science University
>>>     On Sep 30, 2016, at 7:52 AM, Francis Ouellette
>>>     <francis at oicr.on.ca
>>>     <redir.aspx?REF=b_ix-JnUsfv732eXF_BkaX4DCC3h_qsh6j4ePuMgkVcMEFAtZ-zTCAFtYWlsdG86ZnJhbmNpc0BvaWNyLm9uLmNh>>
>>>     wrote:
>>>>     yes, good plan.
>>>>     @bffo
>>>>     -- 
>>>>     B.F. Francis Ouellette
>>>>     http://oicr.on.ca/person/francis-ouellette
>>>>     <redir.aspx?REF=JWalCiDf1UlQYmtMReruvClox9FrnvM0b6rjIyYTE2kMEFAtZ-zTCAFodHRwOi8vb2ljci5vbi5jYS9wZXJzb24vZnJhbmNpcy1vdWVsbGV0dGU.>
>>>>>     On Sep 30, 2016, at 10:46 AM, Miguel Vazquez
>>>>>     <miguel.vazquez at cnio.es
>>>>>     <redir.aspx?REF=byg2Wac2qRTx271iVNlLbz5hO7X_wvcWc7QLZg6q0MMMEFAtZ-zTCAFtYWlsdG86bWlndWVsLnZhenF1ZXpAY25pby5lcw..>>
>>>>>     wrote:
>>>>>     Dear Francis,
>>>>>     I haven't had a chance to go at it again since the meeting, I
>>>>>     got a new position in Norway, but next week I will try to find
>>>>>     some time. I think I might just try another pipeline, since it
>>>>>     seems like the Sanger pipeline needs fixing. Although perhaps
>>>>>     I will first try Denis test data again and see if I can
>>>>>     reproduce the error, after which we probably should contact
>>>>>     the person in charge.
>>>>>     Best
>>>>>     M
>>>>>     On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 3:52 PM, Francis Ouellette
>>>>>     <francis at oicr.on.ca
>>>>>     <redir.aspx?REF=b_ix-JnUsfv732eXF_BkaX4DCC3h_qsh6j4ePuMgkVcMEFAtZ-zTCAFtYWlsdG86ZnJhbmNpc0BvaWNyLm9uLmNh>>
>>>>>     wrote:
>>>>>         Dear Miguel and Junjun,
>>>>>         Any more attempts on testing the PCAWG sanger docker
>>>>>         container?
>>>>>         If you reproduce the same error, we will need to involve
>>>>>         Bryan and
>>>>>         Keiran Raine <kr2 at sanger.ac.uk
>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=HmUOvBPmbgPQYo1PKTUi9L9rA15ty5mW0vHB1kpDyGsMEFAtZ-zTCAFtYWlsdG86a3IyQHNhbmdlci5hYy51aw..>>
>>>>>         (author of the container).
>>>>>         Let’s get this one figured out.
>>>>>         I am going to assume that the making of the docker
>>>>>         container is what
>>>>>         needs resolving.
>>>>>         Brian: We may need your input here.
>>>>>         Details of our current experiment should continue to be
>>>>>         posted here:
>>>>>         https://goo.gl/XX5BG9
>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=igI2BjAHq_QnGThrHZYuLFrmGAY6ELrN4zfrWPAHS6EMEFAtZ-zTCAFodHRwczovL2dvby5nbC9YWDVCRzk.>
>>>>>         Thank you all,
>>>>>         francis
>>>>>         PS would be good for others on list to follow directions
>>>>>         on above google
>>>>>         doc and also see if they can succeed on this workflow.
>>>>>         Junjun and Miguel have tried different clouds, but used
>>>>>         the sanger
>>>>>         workflow, on the same data set.
>>>>>         Thank you for trying to do this.
>>>>>         Would be good if I heard back from anybody before Monday
>>>>>         AM (tech call).
>>>>>         @bffo
>>>>>         PS I CCed Keiran, but waiting to hear back from Brian
>>>>>         before we need to involve him some more.
>>>>>         PPS Junjun/Miguel: maybe you can try the DKFZ docker as
>>>>>         well? (on the same data set).
>>>>>         -- 
>>>>>         B.F. Francis Ouellette
>>>>>         http://oicr.on.ca/person/francis-ouellette
>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=JWalCiDf1UlQYmtMReruvClox9FrnvM0b6rjIyYTE2kMEFAtZ-zTCAFodHRwOi8vb2ljci5vbi5jYS9wZXJzb24vZnJhbmNpcy1vdWVsbGV0dGU.>
>>>>>>         Begin forwarded message:
>>>>>>         *From: *Christina Yung <Christina.Yung at oicr.on.ca
>>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=DUr_Vi0nS5bq1udzIo1XDg_xQUW7xxyULC8Jnyv6AWkMEFAtZ-zTCAFtYWlsdG86Q2hyaXN0aW5hLll1bmdAb2ljci5vbi5jYQ..>>
>>>>>>         *Subject: **[PAWG-TECH] Draft agenda for PCAWG-TECH
>>>>>>         teleconference*
>>>>>>         *Date: *September 30, 2016 at 9:19:39 AM EDT
>>>>>>         *To: *"pawg-tech (pawg-tech at lists.icgc.org
>>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=FFAyN_mjYJTwTKEsmGtlFobisO8q_YthM1MF-TnHRwQMEFAtZ-zTCAFtYWlsdG86cGF3Zy10ZWNoQGxpc3RzLmljZ2Mub3Jn>)"
>>>>>>         <pawg-tech at lists.icgc.org
>>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=FFAyN_mjYJTwTKEsmGtlFobisO8q_YthM1MF-TnHRwQMEFAtZ-zTCAFtYWlsdG86cGF3Zy10ZWNoQGxpc3RzLmljZ2Mub3Jn>>
>>>>>>         Hi Everyone,
>>>>>>         Below is a draft agenda for Monday’s tech call.  Please
>>>>>>         let me know if you have any agenda items for discussion.
>>>>>>         https://wiki.oicr.on.ca/display/PANCANCER/2016-10-03+PCAWG-TECH+Teleconference
>>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=hrZNQYyopojEt4RsxvxLpHEv17Ux_47NCqbz1tmRk14MEFAtZ-zTCAFodHRwczovL3dpa2kub2ljci5vbi5jYS9kaXNwbGF5L1BBTkNBTkNFUi8yMDE2LTEwLTAzK1BDQVdHLVRFQ0grVGVsZWNvbmZlcmVuY2U.>
>>>>>>         Have a great weekend!
>>>>>>         Christina
>>>>>>           Call Info
>>>>>>         *Usual Time      9 AM Eastern Time, Mondays*
>>>>>>         *UK 0208 322 2500*
>>>>>>         *Canada  1-866-220-6419*
>>>>>>         *United States **1-877-420-0272*
>>>>>>         *All Others        Please see attached PDF file
>>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=UaYtb5rD2emrUjcAbTAX6U4EAnm5qB2z5Vi0B1QGcSUMEFAtZ-zTCAFodHRwczovL3dpa2kub2ljci5vbi5jYS9kb3dubG9hZC9hdHRhY2htZW50cy81Nzc3Njk5MC9QQVdHLVRFQ0gtVGVsZWNvbi1JbnRlcm5hdGlvbmFsLU51bWJlcnMucGRmP3ZlcnNpb249MSZtb2RpZmljYXRpb25EYXRlPTE0MDE0NTYwMDMwMDAmYXBpPXYy> with
>>>>>>         a list of numbers for other countries.*
>>>>>>         *Participant Code 5910819#*
>>>>>>           Agenda
>>>>>>         *Time*
>>>>>>         *Item*
>>>>>>         *Who*
>>>>>>         *Attachments/Links*
>>>>>>         5min
>>>>>>         Welcome. Wait for group members to log on
>>>>>>         Christina Yung
>>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=kA2MQqBR7dlLy5DVjrScx3TQ4QVUChv10r2edO1MvXYMEFAtZ-zTCAFodHRwczovL3dpa2kub2ljci5vbi5jYS9kaXNwbGF5L35jeXVuZw..>,
>>>>>>         OICR
>>>>>>         10min
>>>>>>         Overall status
>>>>>>         Christina Yung
>>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=kA2MQqBR7dlLy5DVjrScx3TQ4QVUChv10r2edO1MvXYMEFAtZ-zTCAFodHRwczovL3dpa2kub2ljci5vbi5jYS9kaXNwbGF5L35jeXVuZw..>,
>>>>>>         OICR
>>>>>>         ·Linkouts to Most Current PCAWG Data
>>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=zHmEKm3hcvDkgDEOpH89c3N9M8fkzgZTpqSFWM98vu8MEFAtZ-zTCAFodHRwczovL3dpa2kub2ljci5vbi5jYS9kaXNwbGF5L1BBTkNBTkNFUi9MaW5rb3V0cyt0bytNb3N0K0N1cnJlbnQrUENBV0crRGF0YQ..>
>>>>>>         ·Report data issues to pcawg-data at icgc.org
>>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=6-Noonl4B1m_lxiF1GPGzqi6oNBDz29_v3oxy7JFtANmclItZ-zTCAFtYWlsdG86cGNhd2ctZGF0YUBpY2djLm9yZw..>,
>>>>>>         GNOS issue to: Help at annaisystems.com
>>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=Gzmx9ajvwghXqh5HUCcZ6v0iFM1uiYj0j7IAJUKnCUFmclItZ-zTCAFtYWlsdG86SGVscEBhbm5haXN5c3RlbXMuY29t>
>>>>>>         ·From Boston F2F: PCAWG datasets & dependencies
>>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=ZtA8RU1bldwMjZYd2Jvir5vCW8Wi8SSbfwi9yy3wzGJmclItZ-zTCAFodHRwczovL2RvY3MuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS9zcHJlYWRzaGVldHMvZC8xVmx0TU1MTDVYRElGaXBNM3p6THFaT0dqNXotVXhJTUtMRGJzdURpRDJROC9lZGl0P3VzcD1zaGFyaW5n>
>>>>>>         *Action Items*
>>>>>>         1.[Joachim] Consensus SV - final?
>>>>>>         2.[Jakob] Consensus SNVs - changes to "SNV near indels"
>>>>>>         annotation?
>>>>>>         3.[Junjun] Specimen ID mapping for miRNA and methylation
>>>>>>         4.[Jonathan & Joachim] Consensus calls for cell lines,
>>>>>>         followed by filtering
>>>>>>         5.[Matthias & Gordon] Docker containers for filtering methods
>>>>>>         6.[Christina] Run alignment & variant workflows on
>>>>>>         medulloblastoma sample (tumor 40x, normal 30x) from ICGC
>>>>>>         benchmark to estimate false negative rate
>>>>>>         7.[Christina] Follow up with institutes interested in
>>>>>>         hosting PCAWG data long-term
>>>>>>         8.[All] As per Jennifer's email on Sept 16, please
>>>>>>         provide authorship information again or for the first
>>>>>>         time using PCAWG Author Form
>>>>>>         (http://goo.gl/forms/5Wq5x5X1DK
>>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=fwZWD2Y3-FfW4xaNlQ8z38vmvMrRyioncvGhw7jVo4dmclItZ-zTCAFodHRwOi8vZ29vLmdsL2Zvcm1zLzVXcTV4NVgxREs.>).
>>>>>>         Save the link "Edit your response" so you can go back
>>>>>>         later to provide updates, for example about your evolving
>>>>>>         role in writing specific papers.
>>>>>>         9.[All] Contribute to the manuscripts on
>>>>>>         a.infrastructure:
>>>>>>         https://docs.google.com/document/d/10alAxrWLdLSyhci-rfNuVH13rFXCJkaY_rzf1KJn7nc/edit
>>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=wckzbzDo_cwIfaWHwhk6MGnEP_dXmBLJSg1KanlTcztmclItZ-zTCAFodHRwczovL2RvY3MuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS9kb2N1bWVudC9kLzEwYWxBeHJXTGRMU3loY2ktcmZOdVZIMTNyRlhDSmthWV9yemYxS0puN25jL2VkaXQ.>
>>>>>>         b.variants: Paper ( https://goo.gl/g9CLsu
>>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=GgM9MIyerqil4SkbtVve9VhWq5JXhJpHHwIifHw8_rdmclItZ-zTCAFodHRwczovL2dvby5nbC9nOUNMc3U.> ),
>>>>>>         Supplement ( https://goo.gl/EWYh7e
>>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=GcFIDvGDgDLMy1HHSk5olANgg6_MhfTo90MrURSTe19mclItZ-zTCAFodHRwczovL2dvby5nbC9FV1loN2U.> )
>>>>>>         c.Rogue's Gallery of Cancer Genome Sequencing Artifacts (
>>>>>>         outline
>>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=pm7iQUvfaoQa8LpKHESdyAQ-jrtHLoaUNKWYN28xwSxmclItZ-zTCAFodHRwczovL3dpa2kub2ljci5vbi5jYS9kb3dubG9hZC9hdHRhY2htZW50cy82Njk1ODYwOS9Sb2d1ZXMlRTIlODAlOTklMjBHYWxsZXJ5JTIwb2YlMjBDYW5jZXIlMjBHZW5vbWUlMjBTZXF1ZW5jaW5nJTIwQXJ0ZWZhY3RzLnBkZj92ZXJzaW9uPTEmbW9kaWZpY2F0aW9uRGF0ZT0xNDY5ODAyNjQzMDAwJmFwaT12Mg..>
>>>>>>         )
>>>>>>         10.[Junjun] Discuss PCAWG vs DCC glossary terms at next
>>>>>>         PCAWG-10/13 conference
>>>>>>         10min
>>>>>>         Status of dockerizing workflows
>>>>>>         Brian O'Connor
>>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=lqdpknbfWMZfMIl5cuhYuFrn58RaibSr5T65i2Hp2YJmclItZ-zTCAFodHRwczovL3dpa2kub2ljci5vbi5jYS9kaXNwbGF5L35ib2Nvbm5vcg..>,
>>>>>>         UCSC
>>>>>>         Gordon Saksena
>>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=FATJ5aNVsyapKuZeVJP0WNfGU6lEKYWFmLTAj4FxvUZmclItZ-zTCAFodHRwczovL3dpa2kub2ljci5vbi5jYS9kaXNwbGF5L35nc2Frc2VuYUBicm9hZGluc3RpdHV0ZS5vcmc.>,
>>>>>>         Broad
>>>>>>         Francis Ouellette
>>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=OcbydD_0GIik6NxC9xH6JB2NCXnK5lmCvp6kdZmz361mclItZ-zTCAFodHRwczovL3dpa2kub2ljci5vbi5jYS9kaXNwbGF5L35mcmFuY2lz>,
>>>>>>         OICR
>>>>>>         *Status of PCAWG Workflow ports to Dockstore*:
>>>>>>         Denis has been porting the Dockstore entries to CWL
>>>>>>         version 1.0 which is part of our effort to publish
>>>>>>         Dockstore (this doesn't affect the content of the
>>>>>>         pipelines, simply their "descriptors" which allow them to
>>>>>>         be runnable via Dockstore). Denis has also worked on
>>>>>>         testing BWA-Mem, Sanger, EMBL (which all work with CWL
>>>>>>         1.0 and Kerian's test dataset) and has fixed issues with
>>>>>>         DKFZ and is testing the latter with a real sample shortly.
>>>>>>         1.BWA-Mem - Ready for testing by Francis' team
>>>>>>         2.Sanger - Ready for testing by Francis' team.
>>>>>>         3.EMBL - Ready for testing by Francis' team.
>>>>>>         4.DKFZ - Ready for testing by Francis' team. I've
>>>>>>         exchanged emails with Manuel Ballesteros who has been
>>>>>>         testing this pipeline.
>>>>>>         5.Broad - Variant calling (MuTect, dRanger,
>>>>>>         snowman), need some work, Gordan sent details previously
>>>>>>         6.OxoG - Waiting for Dimitri to provide OxoG docker
>>>>>>         7.Variantbam
>>>>>>         8.Consensus algorithm
>>>>>>         PCAWG Docker (Dockstore) Testing Working Group
>>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=72e3iitmYU5QItGmgrvhVzgR7Hxyr5BWG3zera6saTlmclItZ-zTCAFodHRwczovL3dpa2kub2ljci5vbi5jYS9kaXNwbGF5L1BBTkNBTkNFUi9QQ0FXRytEb2NrZXIrJTI4RG9ja3N0b3JlJTI5K1Rlc3RpbmcrV29ya2luZytHcm91cA..>
>>>>>>         5min
>>>>>>         Other business?
>>>>>>         Group
>>>>>>         **
>>>>>>         *Christina K. Yung, PhD***Project Manager, Cancer Genome
>>>>>>         Collaboratory*Ontario Institute for Cancer Research*MaRS
>>>>>>         Centre
>>>>>>         661 University Avenue, Suite 510 Toronto, Ontario,
>>>>>>         Canada M5G 0A3 Tel: 416-673-8578
>>>>>>         www.oicr.on.ca
>>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=Mac0X_exoVEv9Md2YRbT6uLcyJVuG-i08_WXDOQY5iNmclItZ-zTCAFodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm9pY3Iub24uY2Ev>
>>>>>>         This message and any attachments may contain confidential
>>>>>>         and/or privileged information for the sole use of the
>>>>>>         intended recipient. Any review or distribution by anyone
>>>>>>         other than the person for whom it was originally intended
>>>>>>         is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message
>>>>>>         in error, please contact the sender and delete all
>>>>>>         copies. Opinions, conclusions or other information
>>>>>>         contained in this message may not be that of the
>>>>>>         organization.
>>>>>>         _______________________________________________ PAWG-TECH
>>>>>>         mailing list PAWG-TECH at lists.icgc.org
>>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=UHIopAFLFWWNUzsk0WS4_7gJkHJMRvpxgfuPr2bqdtRmclItZ-zTCAFtYWlsdG86UEFXRy1URUNIQGxpc3RzLmljZ2Mub3Jn>
>>>>>>         https://lists.icgc.org/mailman/listinfo/pawg-tech
>>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=KkeBLVhuCZSE1tmEWfuDQ9VAOtdsNOzpA9Ki2fu7kztmclItZ-zTCAFodHRwczovL2xpc3RzLmljZ2Mub3JnL21haWxtYW4vbGlzdGluZm8vcGF3Zy10ZWNo>
>>>>>         _______________________________________________
>>>>>         docktesters mailing list docktesters at lists.icgc.org
>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=qqg5ofwJ-ibjJSgkygYRa1h3GXP-AoL3pPy06jx62tNmclItZ-zTCAFtYWlsdG86ZG9ja3Rlc3RlcnNAbGlzdHMuaWNnYy5vcmc.>
>>>>>         https://lists.icgc.org/mailman/listinfo/docktesters
>>>>>         <redir.aspx?REF=lZnt34hpVuZ7gKgfrEZOWAPUZDiRyPFz1m-d1tmRGFJmclItZ-zTCAFodHRwczovL2xpc3RzLmljZ2Mub3JnL21haWxtYW4vbGlzdGluZm8vZG9ja3Rlc3RlcnM.>
>>>>     _______________________________________________ docktesters
>>>>     mailing list docktesters at lists.icgc.org
>>>>     <redir.aspx?REF=qqg5ofwJ-ibjJSgkygYRa1h3GXP-AoL3pPy06jx62tNmclItZ-zTCAFtYWlsdG86ZG9ja3Rlc3RlcnNAbGlzdHMuaWNnYy5vcmc.>
>>>>     https://lists.icgc.org/mailman/listinfo/docktesters
>>>>     <redir.aspx?REF=lZnt34hpVuZ7gKgfrEZOWAPUZDiRyPFz1m-d1tmRGFJmclItZ-zTCAFodHRwczovL2xpc3RzLmljZ2Mub3JnL21haWxtYW4vbGlzdGluZm8vZG9ja3Rlc3RlcnM.>
>>     _______________________________________________ docktesters
>>     mailing list docktesters at lists.icgc.org
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