[DOCKTESTERS] SV-Merge validated 100% match on donors DO50311 and DO52526

Joachim Lütken Weischenfeldt joachim.weischenfeldt at bric.ku.dk
Thu Apr 27 12:47:12 EDT 2017

That's great news!
Thanks for your efforts.

Den 27. apr. 2017 kl. 17.15 skrev Miguel Vazquez <mikisvaz at gmail.com<mailto:mikisvaz at gmail.com>>:

Dear all,

Thanks again to Francesco I managed to validate the SV-Merge with 100% overlap!

Comparison of SV for DO50311 using SV-Merge
Common: 330
Extra: 0
Missing: 0

Comparison of SV for DO52526 using SV-Merge
Common: 86
Extra: 0
Missing: 0

I'll update the wiki accordingly

Best regards


On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 3:02 PM, Francesco Favero <francesco.favero at bric.ku.dk<mailto:francesco.favero at bric.ku.dk>> wrote:
Dear Miguel,

I’m glad it worked :).

The final sv-merge call set to compare with is the one linked out here https://wiki.oicr.on.ca/display/PANCANCER/Linkouts+to+Most+Current+PCAWG+Data pointing to this sv-merge file set:


The final SV-merge vcf files are named <aliquot_id>.pcawg_consensus_1.6.<date>.somatic.sv.vcf.gz and would be the ones to compare with DO52526.somatic.sv.vcf.gz from the Docker run.



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